Conserve and earn

Home: Rebates and programs

Take advantage of energy-efficiency rebates and programs for your home.

Rebates and programs for your existing home

Air sealing and insulation: Earn rebates for sealing and insulation improvements to existing homes.
Duct sealing: Earn rebates for sealing your home’s ductwork.
ENERGY STAR® V7 windows: Get rebates for upgrading to ENERGY STAR high-performance windows for your home.
Fireplace: Rebates for upgrading or installing an energy efficient gas hearth or fireplace.
Free water conservation kit: Get a free water conservation kit to save costs on home water heating.
Heating systems: Earn incentives for upgrading to high-efficiency natural gas heating system, installing HRV/ERVs or a programmable thermostat.
Heating system tuneup: Get peace of mind that your heating system is operating at maximum efficiency and earn a $35 rebate.
Thermostats: Get a rebate with the purchase and installation of a programmable, Wi-Fi enabled or advanced thermostat.
Water heating: Earn a rebate for installing a high-efficiency water heater.

Rebates and programs for new homes

Home Energy Excellence Program (for home buyers): Learn the benefits of purchasing a Home Energy Excellence certified home.
New construction rebates: Get rebates for energy-efficient equipment installed in newly constructed homes.

Audits and workshop programs

Community Energy Services: Get a full-service residential energy audit program if you are a homeowner outside of Rochester.
In-home energy-saving audit: Identify measures to reduce energy bills and improve home comfort.
Manufactured Home Community Blitz: Receive a free weatherization kit and identify ways to save money and energy for your manufactured home.
Neighborhood Energy Challenge: Get a full-service residential energy audit program if you are a homeowner in Rochester.

Weatherization rebates and programs for income-eligible customers

4U2: Get an energy audit to identify weatherization opportunities if you are a limited-income homeowner.
Affordable housing rebates: We support non-profit community partners with enhanced rebates.
Low Income Weatherization Assistance: Get free home energy upgrades if you are an income-eligible homeowner or renter.

Additional resources

Explainer videos: Check out our YouTube channel for informational videos and tips on how to save.
Social media: Follow us on social media for helpful tips and upcoming events.