Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program

The Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program provides free home energy upgrades to income-eligible homeowners and renters to help save energy and improve comfort. The program works closely with a companion program, the Energy Assistance Program, to help reduce energy bills for low-income Minnesotans. Our company contributes to the funding of this program.


The Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program serves residential customers in one- to four-unit homes. The household must demonstrate an income below 200% of federal poverty income guidelines. The program uses the past three months of household income to determine eligibility.

How it works

If your household qualifies, a local weatherization service provider may conduct a free home assessment to identify cost-effective improvement opportunities to make your home more energy efficient.

Potential energy efficiency upgrades include:

  • Exterior wall and attic insulation
  • Air leakage reduction
  • Furnace, boiler and water heater repair or replacement
  • Ideas to help you reduce your home’s energy use (both gas and electric), such as using a programmable thermostat

How to apply

Find your local CAP agency

Our customers can obtain an application by contacting the local Community Action Partnership agency in your area.

Find your local CAP agency

To determine eligibility, complete a joint application for Energy Assistance and Weatherization Assistance, and mail it to your local Community Action Partnership agency. After your eligibility is determined, wait time for assistance varies between agencies.

If your income exceeds the described guidelines, you may want to consider the 4U2 program.

For income guidelines and full program details, visit Weatherization Assistance Program.


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