4U2 program

Are your energy bills difficult to manage? Let us help. Minnesota Energy Resources is committed to making energy efficiency improvements affordable for qualified customers. Energy can be a significant part of your household's budget. Improving your home's efficiency helps save money, but overcoming the up-front cost associated with installing energy-efficient retrofits can be difficult especially if you have limited or fixed incomes. The 4U2 program does not assist with paying current energy bills, but helps lower future heating costs, through home energy efficiency improvements.

Program Requirements

All requirements must be met to qualify.

  • You must be the owner or renter of the property and you must live at the property. (Please complete owner's permission on application.)
  • You must have an active Minnesota Energy Resources account. The primary heating fuel must be natural gas.
  • You must be responsible for direct payment of your natural gas bill.
  • Your total gross household income must fall within levels outlined in eligibility requirements.

How it works

  1. Determine if you qualify (see information below).
  2. Mail a completed application with income verification to:
    755 Prior Ave., North, Suite 102B
    St. Paul, MN 55104
  3. Once your application has been approved, an energy advisor with the 4U2 program will call you to schedule an appointment. Wait times for the program may fluctuate based on your location and the time of year.
  4. A free assessment of your home is conducted to identify cost-effective energy improvements and weatherization opportunities to make your home more energy efficient.
  5. The program covers the installation costs of cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities identified by the audit.
  6. If you rent your home, work with your landlord to see if you can qualify.
  7. If cost-effective energy-efficiency measures are identified and installed in your home, a potential one-time co-pay of $150 may be added to your Minnesota Energy Resources bill.

Renters also are eligible to participate; however, landlords are expected to contribute to the cost of improvements. See the program application for complete details.


Please reference all rebate requirements prior to installation to ensure eligibility.
Instructions: Check your county's income qualifiers in the HUD Income Limit documentation system. If your income does not qualify for 80% AMI, utilize the secondary qualifier in the table below.

Household size Primary qualifier
80% Area Median Income (varies by county)
Secondary qualifier
60% State Median Income (SMI), EAP or WAP
1 $51,350 - $68,500 $39,201
2 $58,650 - $78,250 $51,263
3 $66,000 - $88,050 $63,325
4 $73,300 - $97,800 $75,387
5 $79,200 - $105,650 $87,448
6 $85,050 - $113,450 $99,510

Income range levels are effective as of May 15, 2024.

In addition to your completed application, you must include one of the following for each household member with income:

  • Copy of last year’s tax return (preferred). First two pages required.
  • Pay stubs associated with the previous three months. For bi-weekly pay periods, please provide 7 pay-stubs.
  • Unemployment statement and verification of unemployment statement.
  • Proof of Energy Assistance Payments, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Women, Infants and Children (WIC) acceptance notification.

Apply for the 4U2 program today by completing the application or call us with questions at 866-872-0052, option 1.

Apply now

More questions?

Email us at MinnesotaEnergyResources@icf.com or call 866-872-0052, option 1.