Business: Energy-saving tips

Whether it's adjusting the heat or investing in energy-efficient equipment, you can be in control of how much natural gas your business consumes. Nearly everyone can reduce the amount of natural gas they use by taking a few simple and affordable steps.

Heating and cooling tips

  • During the winter months, keep your thermostat between 65° and 70°. Dial your thermostat down when your business is closed.
  • Install a programmable thermostat to automatically lower the temperature when you are closed, and raise it shortly before you open for business. Savings can be dramatic.
  • Have your heating and air conditioning serviced prior to heating and cooling seasons. Your system may last years longer and your chances of a break-down will be reduced with regular maintenance.
  • Open blinds or drapes to let the sun in on winter days. At night, close them to help hold heat in. In the summer, use curtains or drapes to prevent the summer heat from getting inside.
  • Don't heat space you don't use. Close the vents and shut the doors to infrequently-used rooms and open them when you need them. By minimizing the space you heat, you can save significantly on heating bills.
  • Warm air quickly rises out of your comfort zone. Direct your heating registers to blow horizontally across the floor instead of straight up.
  • Use fans to help with air movement. Fans can make your business feel more comfortable and delay the need to turn up your furnace or air conditioning — saving energy. If you have ceiling fans, set them so you feel a breeze coming down (usually counterclockwise) in the summer. In the winter, reverse the fan's direction and operate it at a low speed to bring your warm, heated air down where you need it.
  • Use weatherstripping and caulking wherever it is needed. This will keep the heat and cool air from leaving the building.
  • Change or clean your furnace filter at least once per month. Clogged filters inhibit airflow and make your furnace work harder.
  • Insulate your business following the proper building codes and guidelines. Proper insulation keeps the building cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
  • If possible, plant trees around your business to provide shade in the summer.

Office equipment tips

  • Always buy ENERGY STAR® certified products for your business. The ENERGY STAR label will help you find the most energy-efficient computers, printers, copiers and other equipment.

Water heating tips

  • Buy a water heater blanket and follow the instructions to wrap it tightly around your water heater. It's an inexpensive way to help your water heater run more efficiently.
  • Reduce use of hot water by installing water flow restrictors on your faucets.
  • Fix leaks to help conserve energy and save money.
  • Set water temperatures at 110-120 degrees to prevent scalding and save energy.

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