
Retrocommissioning (RCx) is the updating of existing building systems to ensure they are operating optimally and more efficiently. This is done through scheduling, sequencing, controls programming, and optimizing set points. While retrofitting may involve replacing outdated equipment, RCx focuses on optimizing the efficiency of what is already in place. RCx projects can make a positive difference in your facility’s work environment and extend the lifetime of your equipment.


RCx Measure Rebate amount Requirements
RCx Study Up to 50% of RCx audit cost not to exceed $10,000 to be paid upon project completion Customer must implement all recommended measures with paybacks of 2 years or less
RCx Study measures The lesser of $5.00/Dth saved in the first year or 50% of total eligible project costs  

Additional requirements

  • To qualify for a rebate RCx study cost must be paid in full to the auditing company by the customer. All recommended measures with paybacks of two years or less must be implemented. Customer have up to 24 months after RCx study completion to implement measures.
  • RCx studies need to provide a comprehensive evaluation of energy needs and fuel types.
  • RCx study costs will be split among the electric utility and Minnesota Energy Resources based on energy saving cost impacts.
  • Natural gas savings will be determined by an RCx study for all reasonable recommendations. The baseline comparison for all savings will generally be the natural gas consumption for the building prior to RCx.
  • Projects must be installed by approved project deadlines.
  • RCx study measures reflect an average measure life of 5 years. If the measure life is shortened or lengthened, the $/Dth amount may be adjusted.
  • Eligible costs include materials, equipment and labor required to implement the RCx study’s recommendations.

How it works

Choose any qualified RCx study provider. Your RCx study provider will work with Minnesota Energy Resources Energy Efficiency engineering team and your electric utility to review the forecasted impacts of your RCx project.

To apply

For more information or to apply, call us: 866-872-0052, option 2.

For RCx study providers

Only RCx studies completed by individuals or firms meeting the following criteria for rebate:

  • RCx studies may be offered by qualified individuals or firms.
  • Firms offering RCx studies must provide qualification documentation for the individual performing the audit.
  • All individuals who perform RCx studies must demonstrate to Minnesota Energy Resources’ satisfaction they are qualified to perform RCx studies.
  • RCx study providers must indicate any limitations or restrictions in their scope of services.
  • RCx study providers must disclose if they have any affiliations with equipment manufacturers, vendors, distributors, installation contractors or energy services contractors (ESCOs).

RCx studies must include the following information to qualify for a rebate:

  • Facility name and address, natural gas utility account numbers, customer contact information and RCx study date.
  • RCx study provider’s contact information. Other certifications may be included, as applicable. RCx study providers must include a disclosure for any affiliations with equipment manufacturers, vendors, distributors, installation contractors or energy services contractors (ESCOs).
  • Summary of client's annual energy consumption by month.
  • Facility description, including square footage, building envelope, major energy-consuming equipment, operation hours, occupant number and description of what is done in the facility.
  • Summary of important findings along with any supporting data, measurements, drawings, etc.
  • List of recommendations for increasing energy efficiency, which may include equipment replacement and upgrades, improved maintenance practices, operational changes and waste minimization.
  • Table summarizing estimated implementation costs, annual energy savings (each fuel type savings broken out) and payback for each recommended energy-savings RCx measure.


  • Pre-approval is required prior to service to ensure eligibility.

866-872-0052, option 2