Grain dryer rebates

Replace your existing grain dryer with a new high-efficiency grain dryer to reduce natural gas use in your harvesting processes and to avoid excessive repairs. High-efficiency models often feature improved grain handling and control systems that can dry grains more consistently. Qualifying new high-efficiency grain dryers that replace existing grain dryers are eligible for rebates.

Read more about how we helped, Jorgensen Farms.


Commercial equipment Rebate Maximum rebate
High-efficiency grain dryers, replacing existing grain dryers 50% of cost $15,000 per dryer
Grain dryer tuneup 100% of cost $100 per dryer

Grain dryer replacement requirements

  • New grain dryers must be permanent installations and use natural gas as fuel.
  • Grain dryers with capacity greater than 2,000 bushels/hour and non-replacement grain dryers may qualify in the Custom Rebate program.
  • Manufacturer specification sheet of proposed grain dryer must be included with application.
  • Installed grain dryers must be new. Used or refurbished equipment is not eligible.
  • Operating report must be provided to confirm performance of new dryer.
  • New grain dryer must have one or more of the following features:
    • Grain turners or inverters
    • Exhaust heat recapture and reuse
    • Staged temperature drying (higher temperature for wettest grain)
    • Differential grain speed handling
    • Varied widths of drying column (narrower for wettest grain)

Grain dryer tuneup requirements

  • Dryers must be permanent installations that use natural gas for heating.
  • Low temperature bin dryers are not eligible for tuneup rebate.
  • Grain dryers are eligible for tuneup once every 12 months.
  • The itemized contractor invoice must include the total installed cost, itemized by each qualifying service or material on the invoice.
  • Tuneup costs may include miscellaneous materials required to perform tuneups but do not include equipment repair or replacement. Transportation charges may be included.
  • Rebate not to exceed total cost of tuneup.

How it works

  • Please contact us first if you plan to replace your grain dryer.
  • Purchase and install or service your qualifying grain dryer equipment.
  • Submit an application along with a copy of a dated invoice.
  • Receive your rebate check within six weeks of a completed application request.


Important rebate information

  • Check all rebate requirements on the application prior to service to ensure eligibility. We must receive the application within 60 days of service.
  • Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of improvement or service.
  • Customers cannot receive more than one rebate per improvement or service.
  • Rebate offers cannot be combined.
  • Funding is limited and can change or end at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

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