Furnace heating systems and components rebates

Installing energy-efficient heaters, furnaces and thermostats is a smart way to lower your energy bills. Qualifying high-efficiency, natural gas-fueled space heating equipment installed in new construction, additions or replacement and retrofit projects are eligible for rebates, unless noted.

Read more about our success stories.

Rebate offer

Measure Minimum efficiency Rebate
Natural gas furnace 92% AFUE $250 per unit
Natural gas furnace 95% AFUE $350 per unit
Natural gas furnace 97% AFUE $500 per unit
Low intensity infrared heater   $300 per unit
High performance roof top unit Tier 1 $450 per unit
High performance roof top unit Tier 2 $750 per unit
Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) ≥55% SRE for no existing ERV and not required by code
≥65% SRE for improving an existing ERV or required by code
$50 per 100 CFM, up to $500*
Condensing combo pack
(single package vertical unit)
90-94.99% AFUE or TE $200 per unit
Condensing combo pack
(single package vertical unit)
95% or greater AFUE or TE $165 per unit
CO2 demand control ventilation sensor   $100
Condensing unit heater 92% TE $350 per unit
Electronic programmable setback thermostats for existing buildings Customer programmed $25 per unit*
Wi-Fi enabled thermostats Wi-Fi enabled $50 per unit*
Advanced thermostat based on occupancy Automatic programming $100 per unit*

AFUE: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency

TE: Thermal efficiency

SRE: Sensible Recovery Efficiency

* Rebate amount is 100% of total cost, up to maximum rebate amount listed above.


Thermostat must control natural gas-fueled heating systems. Electronic programmable setback thermostat is not eligible for rebate on new construction buildings. Advanced thermostat must feature integrated occupancy-sensing capabilities (such as motion sensors or geofencing) without additional devices. Thermostat must learn occupancy and automatically improve programming schedule using advanced analytics. To qualify for the advanced thermostat rebate, complete model number must be provided.

ERV and CO2 demand control ventilation sensors are eligible when installed as part of a natural gas-fired system. CO2 demand control ventilation sensors installed as required by code, do not qualify for rebates.

If ERV system has Outside Air Flow of at least 2,000 CFM (if not required by code) or 4,000 CFM (if required by code), consider applying to the Custom program. Contact us for more information.

If an ERV is included in a Tier 2 RTU receiving a rebate, customer cannot receive an additional ERV rebate for the same unit.

How it works

  • Purchase and install a qualifying furnace heating equipment for your business.
  • Submit application along with a dated invoice copy.
  • Receive your rebate check within six weeks of completed application.


Important rebate information

  • Check all rebate requirements on the application prior to service to ensure eligibility. We must receive the application within 60 days of service.
  • Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of improvement or service.
  • Customers cannot receive more than one rebate per improvement or service.
  • Rebate offers cannot be combined.
  • Funding is limited and can change or end at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.


866-872-0052, option 2

Trade ally tools

Our Trade Ally program provides registered contractors with opportunities to cash in on incentives for installing qualified energy efficient residential and commercial equipment. Register your business today to maximize benefits.

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