Heating system rebates for existing homes

We provide rebates for upgrading to a high-efficiency natural gas furnace or boiler, or installing a programmable or advanced thermostat. You will save not only on your upgraded system but also with reduced natural gas use year after year. We recommend that you work with a heating dealer of your choice to determine the best system for your home.

Learn how upgrading your heating system can help you save.
Furnace replacement video.


Equipment Minimum efficiency Rebate
Natural gas furnace 92% AFUE $200
Natural gas furnace 94% AFUE $350
Natural gas furnace 97% AFUE $500
Natural gas boiler 90% AFUE $200
Integrated natural gas space and water heating system 92% AFUE $250
Advanced thermostats or Wi-Fi enabled thermostat Advanced analytics or Wi-Fi enabled $50*
Electronic programmable setback thermostat Customer programmed $25*
Heat/Energy recovery ventilation (HRV/ERV) 65% SRE, 75 CFM $400

AFUE: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency

SRE: Sensible Heat Recovery Efficiency

CFM: Cubic Feet per Minute

* Rebate amount is 50% of total cost, up to maximum rebate amount listed above.

Program requirements

Program rebates do not apply for home built in the past two years. If you are building a new home, visit our new construction rebate page.

To qualify for an advanced thermostat rebate, provide the complete model number. Rebates are limited to one qualifying thermostat per natural gas service address.

The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) certified ratings will be used to verify actual AFUE ratings for heating purposes. Check all rebate requirements prior to installation to ensure eligibility.

HRV/ERV for furnaces must provide whole house ventilation, where no HRV previously existed. HRV/ERV performance is based on SRE and CFM ratings at 32°F heating mode as listed in the HVI directory of certified equipment. Learn more about HRV/ERVs.

List of approved Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV)
List of approved Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV)

How it works

  • Find a contractor. Self-installations are eligible for rebates.
  • Purchase and install qualifying heating system equipment in your home.
  • Submit a heating system application along with a copy of a dated invoice.
  • Receive your rebate check within six weeks of a completed application request.


Important rebate information

  • Check all rebate requirements on the application prior to service to ensure eligibility. We must receive the application within 60 days of service.
  • Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of improvement or service.
  • Customers cannot receive more than one rebate per improvement or service.
  • Rebate offers cannot be combined.
  • Funding is limited and can change or end at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.


866-872-0052, option 1

Trade ally tools

Our Trade Ally program provides registered contractors with opportunities to cash in on incentives for installing qualified energy efficient residential and commercial equipment. Register your business today to maximize benefits.

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